Holley inspires students at Roselle’s Grace Wilday School on leadership

Jamel C. Holley speaking to Roselle public school students.


Jamel C. Holley, former assemblyman and current mayoral candidate for Roselle, recently had breakfast with students from the Roselle Grace Wilday School to talk about leadership and opportunity. The gathering was an opportunity for the community to come together and for Holley to share his wisdom and experience with the next generation.

Holley, who held the position of Roselle mayor before being elected to the state legislature, spoke to the students about the importance of taking care of one’s hometown, no matter where life takes them. He stressed the value of leadership and opportunity, encouraging the young people to strive for success in all areas of their lives.

“It’s a blessing when the young men and male adults of our Roselle community can get together and break bread,” said Holley. “Today, I joined our Roselle Grace Wilday School students at breakfast to discuss leadership and opportunity. I encouraged the young people no matter what you accomplish in life or no matter where you go, ALWAYS TAKE CARE OF HOME!!”

The breakfast meeting was a chance for Holley to connect with the youth in his community and to inspire them to become leaders in their own right. By sharing his own experiences and insights, he hopes to encourage young people to pursue their dreams and to work hard to achieve their goals.

Holley’s message of leadership and opportunity was well-received by the students, who were inspired by his words and impressed by his dedication to the community. As a former mayor and state legislator, Holley has a wealth of experience and knowledge to share, and his message of taking care of home is an important one for all young people to hear.

Overall, the breakfast meeting was a success, with Holley and the students coming away inspired and motivated to work towards a better future for themselves and their community.

As Holley continues his campaign for mayor, events like this will be an important way for him to connect with the community and to share his vision for the future of Roselle.

Prior to being sent to the the Assembly in 2014, Holley was Roselle’s youngest-ever mayor and he served as a member of the Borough Council.

He is also chairman of the Jamel C. Holley Civic Association, a non-profit providing resources and programs to residents of Roselle and surrounding communities.

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