America’s military-industrial complex is expanding from the Capital Beltway to Silicon Valley

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America’s military-industrial complex has been rapidly expanding from the Capital Beltway to Silicon Valley. Although much of the Pentagon’s budget is spent on conventional weapons systems, the Defense Department has increasingly sought to adopt AI-enabled systems.

Big tech companies, venture capital, and private equity firms benefit from multi-billion dollar Defense contracts, and smaller defense tech startups that “move fast and break things” also receive increased Defense funding. 

A report from the Watson Institute for International & Public Affairs at Brown University illustrates how a growing portion of the Defense Department’s spending is going to large, well-known tech firms, including some of the most highly valued corporations in the world.

Given the often classified nature of large defense and intelligence contracts, a lack of transparency makes it difficult to discern the true amount of U.S. spending diverted to Big Tech. Yet, research reveals that the amount is substantial, and growing.

Warmongering Congressman Andy Kim is expected to replace the corrupt and hawkish US Senator Bob Menendez since New Jersey civil rights hero Lawrence ‘Larry’ Hamm is unable to raise sufficient funding to compete effectively in the Democratic primary election, so New Jersey will keep contributing to the war machine and preserving America’s role as the leading purveyor of violence in the world.

According to the nonprofit research organization Tech Inquiry, three of the world’s biggest tech corporations were awarded approximately $28 billion from 2018 to 2022, including Microsoft ($13.5 billion), Amazon ($10.2 billion), and Alphabet, which is Google’s parent company ($4.3 billion).

The paper found that the top five contracts to major tech firms between 2019 and 2022 had contract ceilings totaling at least $53 billion combined.

From 2021 through 2023, venture capital firms reportedly pumped nearly $100 billion into defense tech startup companies — an amount 40 percent higher than the previous seven years combined.

The report from Brown University’s Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs states that the US military-industrial complex has been expanding from the Capital Beltway to Silicon Valley over the past decade.

The report, titled How Big Tech and Silicon Valley Are Transforming the Military-Industrial Complex, says the shift is accelerating due to the rise of AI-based systems.

The Defense Department has been increasingly using AI-enabled systems, and big tech companies, venture capital, and private equity firms have received billions of dollars in Defense contracts.

The military-industrial complex is made up of the military, government, and defense contractors, and critics have called the relationship between these groups an “iron triangle”. The goals and interests of these groups often align, and they tend to support each other’s activities.

The report examines how Silicon Valley startups, big tech, and venture capital who benefit from classified Defense contracts will create costly, high-tech defense products that are ineffective, unpredictable, and unsafe – all on the American taxpayer’s dime.

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