Lisa McCormick endorses Lawrence “Larry” Hamm for U.S. Senate in New Jersey

Hawkish Congressman Andy Kim and Democratic peace activist Larry Hamm


Lisa McCormick —the only Democratic primary challenger to Senator Bob Menendez in 2018— has endorsed civil rights leader Lawrence “Larry” Hamm for the U.S. Senate in the upcoming New Jersey Democratic primary, “making a choice not a prediction’ despite the big money lining up behind the establishment-backed candidate.

McCormick announced her endorsement through a passionate social media post, urging voters to take a stand against the political corruption and ineffective leadership represented by hawkish Congressman Andy Kim.

“I asked you to say, ‘I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not gonna take this anymore!’ but you re-elected the crook who is on trial in New York and then sent his son to Congress, plus there’s a pretty good chance you are going to give Junior a second term on June 4,” McCormick stated, referencing the ongoing corruption trial of Senator Menendez and the political ascension of his son.

Quoting the character Howard Beale from the film Network, McCormick continued, “‘I don’t have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad. It’s a depression. Everybody’s out of work or scared of losing their job. The dollar buys a nickel’s worth. Banks are going bust…’ but when they do, you are going to pay to bail them out.”

She declared, “I am voting for Larry Hamm on June 4 and if you don’t, then YOU are to blame for everything. You cannot blame Republicans or circumstances or anything else if you fail to STOP being part of the problem.”

As Senator Menendez’s corruption trial enters its second week, McCormick called for a change, combining quotes from the Dalai Lama and Frederick Douglass: “CHANGE requires ACTION because POWER concedes NOTHING without a DEMAND.”

Two Democrats who want to replace Senator Bob Menendez actually supported the corrupt lawmaker when he was challanged by Lisa McCormick in the 2018 primary, so the progressive champion has endorsed Lawrence “Larry” Hamm for the upcoming New Jersey Democratic U.S. Senate nomination..

McCormick is a dedicated Democrat with a history of challenging political corruption and advocating for various social issues, including anti-gun violence, consumer protection, and banking reform. Her political ventures include a near-upset of Senator Menendez in 2018, securing almost 40% of the vote.

She is active in her community, environmental efforts, and political reform movements, and believes that Democratic peace activist Larry Hamm is the ideal candidate to represent her views in Washington, D.C.

“Larry Hamm is an iconic New Jersey civil rights leader making his second run for U.S. Senator in the 2024 New Jersey Democratic primary,” McCormick said. “As chairman of the People’s Organization For Progress, he fights for the people. He played a leading role in support of Sen. Bernie Sanders’s presidential campaigns here in New Jersey.”

McCormick also highlighted Hamm’s alignment with progressive policies, stating, “Larry Hamm will fight for Medicare for All, Reparations for Slavery, Affordable Housing, Laws to Stop Police Brutality, an end to Climate Change, Gun Control including a Ban on Assault Weapons, Stronger Voting Rights, to Eliminate Poverty and End Food Insecurity by Taxing the Rich and Big Corporations.”

She added, “We can count on him to stop the wars and cut military spending, win a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and the West Bank, overturn Citizens United, Increase the Federal Minimum Wage to $17 per hour and achieve Higher Wages with Salaries Living Wage for All, Free College, End Student Debt, Protect and Expand Social Security, Protect Women’s Reproductive & Abortion Rights, Stronger Union Rights, and more because Americans deserve all the best that our government can assure are distributed fairly throughout our society.”

“Congressman Andy Kim is a loyal servant of the military-industrial complex and not a progressive Democrat,” McCormick said. “Patricia Campos-Medina is a progressive but she gave $2500 to ‘Gold Bar Bob’ when I ran against Menendez six years ago. Larry Hamm is the only choice for change, so I do not care if he raised a lot of money or even if he has a chance on June 4. I am making a choice not a prediction, and the best candidate on the ballot for Senate is Larry Hamm.”

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